Friday, January 4, 2008

This is how we roll, or I want to feed the puppets

Returning home for the holidays can always be packed full of monotonous days, or treasures found like this photo of "Phatdog" an old friends auto that included a little love on every inch of exposed surface. This crazy beast also had "switches," or hydraulics for the laymen, that would get this thing bumping like a small ship in a windstorm. For obvious reasons, I've never been in a vehicle that got more pictures taken of it while driving 70mph down the highway. Folks would do a triple take, climb in the back seat digging around for their Kodachrome, and slam the pedal to the metal to snap the rolling shot. I imagine this car in many scrapbooks nation wide. And the current situation of the car? Unfortunately I watched it burn. The hydraulics made a great scoop for pushing around autumn leaves as practical jokes, except the practical joke ended up against hot pipes causing the leaves to ignite. Good ol' Phatdog, sit, good boy.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget when we rolled to K-Zoo sk8-zoo and the Birdhouse team got to experience PhatDog!

yooperjb said...

Definitely will not forget that. Or the time driving back from Indy at night with bunk alternator, following that Ryder truck the whole way back on highway 69 with our headlights off.

Anonymous said...

i'll never forget our trip from indy to kentucky in phat dog. i was just at kevin's on sunday and we were talking about it. bad fishing and good times.